Biyernes, Enero 13, 2012


So, today's our Card Distribution and I can't believe with the grades that I have received. It's higher than the last quarter, higher than what I've been expecting! I feel so relieved and overjoyed. Oh well, ACET Results will be out tomorrow. If I'd pass, good. If I didn't, good. HAHA! Because I think, it's the hardest among the big 4 schools. It's so time pressured and I can't concentrate in answering the questions. Also, we had our graduating picture last Wednesday and I hope I'l look human on that friggin' picture. So yeah, this ends my long and boring post.

Linggo, Enero 8, 2012


YEY~ I passed the USTET. My dream school, after I failed to take the DLSUCET. I iz so happy. :)

Huwebes, Enero 5, 2012


Hurt. This would be the feeling that you'd feel when you expect. That feeling when you hold back your tears? It's so hard to be judge by people. I'm confused, worried, annoyed, I want to graduate, now. I don't want to experience the pain and the difficulty. I know, I did my worst this quarter and my deeds just come back and hunt me... UGH, this is a post that composed what I feel right now. :( :( :(

Martes, Enero 3, 2012

School tomorrow.

I still don't want to go back to school. Not now. I'm still stressed and depressed. I think 2012 is not for me but I still have 363 days to go figure out myself. You know the feeling that you just want to give up and not to care about things anymore? Well, on the other hand, I was sick this morning and I don't know know what happened that I'm okay already. Ugh, this is a useless post. A rant, rather.

Lunes, Enero 2, 2012

Chapter 2012, Page 1 of 366. ❤

Change. I know that this is what I want, a private space. I am a blogger on Tumblr, yes, I do like the attention there, tons of followers, but I know that it's not me anymore. I can't really express what I really feel. People are so judgmental and they say things which can deprived others. And by creating this blog, away from people's attention, I know that I can share my thoughts and ideas freely. As for the next 365 days of my life, I plan to be better, to be stronger and always think that everything happens for a reason. 17 days left before I know if I'd pass the USTET, my only hope and my dream school after I've chosen to go to our Retreat rather to take the DLSUCET. I'm not good at Grammar, so please understand if I have errors. Another year awaits us, a new long journey and days full of what-ifs. Have a long and wonderful year ahead, bloggers! :)

PS: This is a late post.